Thursday, December 13, 2012

Learning as I go!

I tried to stay out as long as I could last night. I even brought my own chair! I prepared a little better for the expected cold temperatures by bundling up like like I was about to march to the north pole. I thought it would be enough. 

Nope. It wasn't.

I'm not sure if it was when I couldn't feel my feet or when I discovered I was covered in frost that made me want to pack it in. 

I went back to Peggy's Cove again. I have big plans in the new year to get further out of the city for better star trails. You can really notice the light pollution from Halifax and as you can also see, Peggy's is a little too close to the airport. 

In the photo below, you can see how the clouds affected the quality of the star trails. Check out the bottom right corer. This was the Orion constellation. The really bright star coming up behind the rock is the Sirius star. I painted the rocks in the foreground with a flash light! 

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